The cruel enemy is making his last efforts, and already the hour approaches when our glorious army together with our gallant allies will crush him.
"I'd rather have them than some others of our gallant allies," he said darkly.
You ask me, Sergeant, that has very little to do with real courage, realelan, as our gallant French allies call it.
But no matter; this'll mean goodbye to our gallant allies and an end to all those rumours about Ireland.
You're a good, gallant ally, and I'll make you my squire if ever I get to be knight.
I will arrange a donative to our gallant allies.
As our gallant British allies did with the Ger- mans in 1940, we shall prove them wrong.
It looks like our gallant allies are departing to the south.
"As for what I intend, though, that's going to depend on what I can talk my gallant allies into."
Our very Constitution makes reference to our gallant allies in Europe.