No, for today at least, I am simply pretending that the galaxy outside Risa does not exist.
"As you know that your galaxy, the Milky Way, exists."
It is possible that stars or even galaxies of antimatter exist in other parts of the universe.
The fact that this galaxy exists is astounding.
Since we know galaxies and stars do exist, such primordial density fluctuations must also have existed.
And during breaks the two jurors often wondered if another galaxy existed beyond ours.
Most galaxies, roughly 80%, within 5Mpc of us exist in groups or clusters of galaxies.
Soon all the galaxies will exist as a single mote of matter in the vastness of space.
And we have no reason even to suspect that other galaxies exist.
Interspersed among superclusters are large voids of space in which few galaxies exist.