This may require more than one species to share the galactic space with each other as they both develop.
They didn't understand much about grand policy in galactic space.
More than one official constellation map had mistakes in it, and often vast amounts of galactic space were uncharted altogether.
The gun was not aimed at anything; it pointed off the ecliptic into empty galactic space.
It could be fairly close, within local galactic space.
It was little more than a tube with a port at the opposite end, which, when opened, would look out into galactic space.
"Is your concern in inner or outer galactic space?"
The galactic space, where its form could wax ever huger had appeared of endless extent.
The Sleeper Service finally hit cruise at around two-thirty-three and a half, disappearing ahead into the depths of galactic space.
It's something like that early level of ocean navigation we're at in galactic space now.