Spoony has worked tirelessly since becoming a patron and helped organise a charity golf day and gala ball for the Foundation in 2010.
"I hope everyone here has received their invitations to the gala ball we are having to honor Finnea's birthday."
Their evenings would be spent in celebration, at gala balls, in sumptuous private dinners, and public banquets.
It has been the setting for countless protest demonstrations, any number of gala balls and, atop the grand staircase, an endless stream of weddings.
The new Raymond Hotel opened with a gala ball on November 17, 1886 and enjoyed nine successful seasons (winters).
Dressing up in Colonial costumes for gala balls or elegant tea parties was all the rage.
"We can't have gala balls and dinner parties when our people are suffering so much."
Its doors were officially opened at 11:15 pm on New Year's Eve, 1912, marked by a gala ball attended by 350 guests.
The trireme in its deep-water anchorage loomed up against the night sky like a floating castle adorned for a gala ball.
The society figures, with their gala balls, seem to have become merely supporting players.