The series gained 6.3 million viewers and an audience share of 38%.
Season three began on October 1, 2008 and gained 3.81 million viewers.
It was the only news broadcast to gain viewers during 2005.
Over the coming months, the show continued gaining viewers in the usually slow summer season.
Episode three gained 2.04 million viewers and a 10% share.
It gained 3.5 million viewers, with a 14% audience share.
The show gained 115,000 viewers after their reunion in December 2010.
The show gained 447,000 total viewers for the week of January 26-30, which was called "pretty incredible".
The pilot episode of the show gained 5 million viewers, and received 9,000 calls from the public.
The first episode gained 4.95 million viewers, an audience share of 22.5%.