The $58.6 million gain represented an accrual for payments to be received in the second half of 1989 and in 1990.
That gain would represent an annual increase of 6.3 percent, after fees.
The gains represent a combination of yields and asset values.
Analysts said the gain represented a slight rebound from a depressed pace in October.
A loss or gain of a quarter of an hour a day represents an error of just about 1 percent.
Since one-time gains do not represent continuing operations, investors view them as less compelling.
The two-day gain of 12.3 cents in the March contract represents a 9.7 percent increase in the contract's value.
GoDaddy is listed as the primary nameserver for over 32 million domains, so the gain represented only a 0.06 percent change.
In dollar terms the gain represents a rise of about $16 for each $1,000 of the bond's face value.
But nobody can say for certain whether the gains represent a turnaround in a sport that has suffered declines in recent years.