The technique of using pop-ups to gain readers underscores just how important sheer numbers have become in the online media business.
In a period when all other popular newspapers gained substantial readers, the Herald lost over 700,000 copies in sales.
It gained more readers during the Dreyfus affair with its vicious and sustained antisemitism.
Good for us, good for them - our bloggers gain new readers and make a bit of cash.
Newspapers are all looking for ways to gain readers, and many have hired consultants to help them.
The daily strip gained readers through the 1920s and into the 1930s when a Sunday strip was added on December 31, 1933.
"If I'm gaining readers, it could come at the expense of my readership" on other titles, he said.
Readership Survey As they gained readers, they developed their business further.
A survey published in late January showed that it was gaining readers at the expense of paid-for publications.
The journal gained readers as the group lost members.