Blacks and women gained office in significant numbers, from the late 1960s and on into the early '80s.
MacNair wished to help pro-life women gain high public office.
The second period of Kinnock's leadership was dominated by his drive to reform the party's policies to gain office.
Such a party is rarely successful in gaining elected office.
The problem with the current system is the power lust of politicians who will do anything to gain and keep office.
He failed to gain political office in either place, but established himself and family as the dominant force in the area.
In 1982, however, the Labor Party again gained office and would rule for over a decade.
They may run without any serious hope of gaining office, but in order to promote their views or themselves instead.
"This has been a great experience for me," she said, referring to her first attempt at gaining elective office.
January 2005 elections saw several radical politicians gain office, supported by religious parties.