She continued serving after Dominica gained full independence from British rule in 1978.
The impact of economic, political and social exploitation during this period helped the gradual rise of the Indian independence movement to gain independence from foreign rule.
It gained independence from British imperial rule in 1957 and used football to unite the nation.
They've had an elected government there since they gained their freedom from British rule back in 1963.
In 1957, the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from British rule.
As time passed, these lordships merged or gained independence from Frankish imperial rule.
Consequently, Poole gained a small measure of freedom from feudal rule and acquired the right to appoint a mayor and hold a court within town.
The decolonization of the Americas was the process by which the countries in the Americas gained their independence from European rule.
People all around the world have fought to gain independence from rule by London, and yet each campaign is resisted with indignation.
Malaya gained her independence from British rule in 1957.