Two of the 36 experiments were repeated to gain higher-quality data.
The awarding bodies also often seem amorphous because it is difficult to gain clear data on them.
He then can observe the conduct of his patient and his patient's reactions to life in order to gain data.
The Daily Telegraph gained data from almost 70 universities across Britain on their applications policies.
Hydrodynamic structure formation simulations are being studied to gain data on thermal and kinetic effects in the theory.
With newer technology, astronomers hoped to gain more precise data than they could in 1988.
These imperfections, known as aliasing, can be useful for gaining extra data from the image.
Through confidential channels, he had gained sufficient data to link James Lengerton with the stock sales.
A newer approach to gaining primary data, especially about consumer motives and attitudes, is called motivational research.
Physiotherapists often administer standardized outcome measures as part of their assessment in order to gain useful information and data about a patient's current status.