Islamic leaders were also instrumental in calling a halt to protests in an effort to gain concessions from the Government.
The remarks are widely viewed as a strategy to gain concessions from Washington if more talks are held.
At the same time, however, the United States gained several concessions involving security.
If Kmart can gain concessions from its lenders, the company will probably have to pay higher borrowing costs, investors said.
About 2,000 so-called Regulators had gathered, hoping to gain concessions from the governor by intimidating him with a show of superior force.
Union leaders say the administration is exaggerating fiscal problems to gain concessions.
He continued to support efforts by Shihanouk to gain concessions from the French and move towards independence.
Germany's purpose in the war was to cause a breakdown of Poland's economy and gain political concessions.
Mr. Carty had been negotiating with workers to gain concessions worth $1.8 billion a year.
That bargaining unit's main priority was gaining concessions on mandatory overtime.