TKNY, as a New York source for the latest in Tokyo, carries several products for early adopters and gadget lovers.
And that's the problem with being a gadget lover, especially at the wheel.
But as a harbinger of things to come, it will appeal to gadget lovers and information junkies.
Mr. Hill, a self-proclaimed gadget lover, did not walk away disappointed.
Even a dedicated gadget lover will find the centralized controls frustratingly untintuitive.
WHEN gadget lovers are young, it doesn't take much to give them dilated pupils and sweaty palms.
The multifunction devices are beginning to find an audience beyond gadget lovers, according to cellular executives, who hope to put their digital wireless networks to use for more than voice traffic.
The company has had few hit products and has been caught on the sidelines while rivals like Apple thrilled gadget lovers with items like the iPod.
Following are five gadgets we think make good gifts for the gadget lover in your life.
Bluetooth Just about every thoughtful gadget lover has, at some point, wondered: "Why am I running around looking for a wireless connection for my laptop?