The sun was nothing more than a fuzzy, lighter spot about halfway down to the horizon.
You know this thing's immense, but within the eye of the telescope, it's just this little fuzzy spot.
Under the microscope, the individual particles will appear as small fuzzy spots of light moving irregularly.
Dark, fuzzy spots danced in front of their eyes.
Jag pointed beneath his feet to a fuzzy spot in the hologram.
Tracking errors in guiding the telescope during the long exposure meant the photograph came out as an indistinct fuzzy spot.
There were so many fuzzy spots in the law that by this summer the city's construction permitting system had practically ground to a halt.
The sun was just a fuzzy spot in the gray eastern sky.
I went sprawling; everything went fuzzy and black spots danced before my eyes.
Well, I have to admit there are a few fuzzy spots in the picture.