Link Wray explains the development of his fuzz tone with a similar story.
This unique fuzz tone is an octave fuzz using two germanium diodes to produce the square wave clipping.
He's clearly a fan of the Beatles, the Beach Boys, character studies, fuzz tone and toys.
Only the extra-thick, grungy fuzz tone on the guitars betrays that the album was recorded in the 1990's rather than at any time in the last quarter century.
Wood's version retains the famous guitar line of the original, but adds a distinctive fuzz tone to it.
The first song opened with a latticework of pristine, finger-picked guitars, then worked up a crescendo of fuzz tone; other songs used touches of trumpet, banjo and steel guitar.
That fuzz tone, you can't get it out of your head.
As well, it "...allows you to create a spectrum of different fuzz tones that work well with both active and passive basses.
The manufacturer claims that it adds a "unique fuzz tone that harkens back to that famous bass grind of the '70s."
They arrived in a tempest of guitars, with Mr. Young's measured lead lines poking through layers of fuzz tone or gleaming far above the din.