Drummer Raymond Herrera described the cover as "basically like a blueprint of a futuristic car."
Lightspeed He transforms into a futuristic car.
Invent a car with a pool in the back seat, or design a futuristic car.
During their journey, they see many technological marvels like futuristic cars, bizarre architecture, televisions that can communicate with you, computerized chess players, etc.
Features more than 1,000 vehicles, including new models, futuristic cars, classics and exotics, as well as exhibits on the latest automotive technology.
From some angles, it looks like a futuristic car.
A life size marionette of Scott tries to sell a futuristic car with the number plate 'FAB 2'.
Mr. Roach said it was needed to make a satisfying film; one big cost involved designing and making a fleet of futuristic, egg-shaped cars.
This is one of the reasons why he often arrived in awe-inspiring vehicles like futuristic cars and flying devices.
Read more about this futuristic car.