Moscow has indicated in recent months that it will demand quicker repayment and scale back future weapons aid to Syria.
But the official, discussing a new intelligence assessment, told reporters that stolen nuclear secrets probably accelerated China's future weapons programs.
It said to be the future weapon of Spetsnazes.
Take the small arms piece, for instance, which reports on the findings of a recent thinktank session on future weapons.
The next President, the study said, should cancel future weapons rather than cut back on such things as training and ammunition.
He is given a future technological weapon, a new voice and the new name PK.
The nuclear material from the warheads may be recycled in future weapons.
In most cases, however, a player will not be using future weapons unless they have been taken from killed Opposition agents.
The performance of the systems could also influence the design of future weapons, industry executives said.
Williams keeps an active blog at his website, and comments on various future weapons, war strategies and terrorism.