Adaptation this slow would be insufficient for keeping up with expected future global warming if colonization of new habitats is not an option.
The data may help scientists refine their climate models to provide better predictions of future warming.
This article breaks down some of the impacts of climate change according to different levels of future global warming.
Lindzen said that the water vapor feedback could act to nullify future warming.
Projections of future global warming are affected by different estimates of climate sensitivity.
Many scientists believe that no matter what action is taken in Kyoto, some substantial measure of future warming is already assured.
Nor is it possible to say for sure that future global warming would bring back the large-scale droughts of the past.
Responses involve reducing emissions to limit future warming, and adapting to the changes that are unavoidable.
What's changed is the theoretical projection of future warming, although it's not easy to learn this from the draft report.
How do we get locked in to future warming?