The regulator says the data collected for this first report would be used as a benchmark by which future surveys would be measured.
Predictions for future large observational surveys.
Expect that addition to be included in future surveys, especially those offered by the wireless industry itself.
If anyone is caught cheating, block his or her IP address from submitting any future surveys.
But the study does provide a benchmark for future surveys.
Such omissions may lessen in future suburban surveys because the number of voters usually increases 50 percent a year.
Consequently, the Grant's zebra is probably extinct or nearly so in Angola, although confirmation will have to wait until future surveys are conducted.
That science would surely develop in a hurry if a future survey found that women had lost their fondness for the Grizzly Adams look.
He said future surveys would cover other states and give a "clearer picture of what is happening nationwide."
It would be nice to see such organisations excluded from future surveys.