Create conceptual designs of subsystems that make use of advanced SSP technologies to benefit future space or terrestrial applications.
The squadron's mission is to provide complete service launch and test operations for current and future space launch vehicles, targets, interceptors and experimental space systems.
Journeying back, I remix that from which I took and author a colony of hybrid chics into the past, present and future spaces.
It introduces a far future space opera universe for role-playing, featuring advanced science, gigantic spacecraft and epic space battles.
The Parklands were first identified in detail in in 1968 to provide for infrastructure and future regional open space needs in Western Sydney.
The Eden universe is more like Larry Niven's future space.
The new facility will attract even greater donations of artifacts and documents, making the planning of future space essential.
This makes the KELT-2A system a promising target for future space- and ground-based follow-up observations to learn about the planet's atmosphere.
In a 1962 government report, the park's area was identified for use as future open space.
If there is to be any future open space, clean air and clean water in Connecticut, then sprawling development in rural areas must be curtailed.