The agency declined to list all of the nations taking part, or to say how much uranium would be involved in future shipments.
The president's decision on future shipments was praised by a number of lawmakers in Congress, although some urged him to take an even harder line.
Thousands of bales were brought in by the troops and stored for future shipment.
The price is fair enough," decided Adrich, at length, "provided that you can guarantee future shipments.
Two weeks ago, in a reversal of their past position, Japanese officials said it was possible that future shipments would be scaled back.
He said he hoped future shipments would comprise mainly cereals.
Its daily service provides great flexibility for storing of future shipments.
Usually a plan will use the same billing method for future shipments that it used for the introductory merchandise or service period.
They are used widely in international trade for payments that are due for a future shipment of goods and services.
I emphasized that my only reason for asking was in order that we could give his firm exactly what they wanted in future shipments.