Through a process of careful analysis, these goals are subjected to a reality check by considering the individual's current and future resources available to achieve them.
He used the phrase to describe situtations in which a mechanism was in place to spring forward and consume future resources.
DNA samples should be taken from babies and then stored as a future resource.
The Aviary will possibly be re-instated in the future pending resources of the label.
Human resources planning is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve it goals.
For each group to be profiled, define the roles and career streams to help identify current and future human resources needs.
Wind and solar power are great future resources, but without huge subsidies, they will not make a dent in greenhouse gases during the next 10 years.
Forests were also under government regulations and protected for future resources.
We hope that Parliament and the Commission will both call for a increase in the budget dedicated to the future resources of cohesion policy.
In 2007-2008, you are to lodge a report on the European Union's budget and future resources.