At the time of his signing, the Yankees projected him as a possible future replacement for Jorge Posada.
Russolo found traditional melodic music confining and envisioned noise music as its future replacement.
The future replacement for the brand's flagship, the LS 430 luxury sedan, moves further in this direction.
He is also considered to be a future replacement for the veteran Ivan Hurtado.
Less than 20 traditional priestesses are still alive, with no prospect of future replacement.
In 2004, NJT contracted a study to determine the condition of the bridge and to begin long-term planning for its future replacement.
He is considered as a bright talent and a possible future replacement for David Silva.
A portion of the donated money was set aside to cover the cost for future replacement of worn out flags.
This was unexpectedly terminated in the 2013 budget plan, and so the future replacement is uncertain.
A possible future replacement for anti-fouling paint may be slime.