Through the voices of former child soldiers, the film examines why these children joined the Maoists and explores the prevention of future recruitment.
Last in priority is not direct recruitment, but the collection of information to support future recruitment.
For a sense of civic duty, and as an aid to good community relations and future recruitment.
We left our particular section of this story back in 1910, when the male trade-union movement had succeeded in stopping the future recruitment of women.
The youth sections play an important role in the association because how important they are for future recruitment of the rescue teams.
Nevertheless, it is still worthwhile trying to take a strategic look at your present and future recruitment needs.
In order to continue the war, Prussia had to rely on Silesia both financially and as a source of future recruitment of troops.
Article: A comparison of future recruitment needs in urban and rural... Article: Providing for those who have too little.
I am bound to say that this would lead to a substantial delay in future recruitments.
A marine police academy is also being proposed for future recruitment.