Farmers will also be able to save seeds from their crop for future plantings because rice is a self-pollinating plant that breeds true year after year.
There was the time one cottager's pigs had strayed onto a plot of grass reserved by his neighbor for a future planting of pumpkin and squash.
There are only about 14,000 acres of wine grapes in the state - compared with some 350,000 acres in California - but the areas available for future plantings are immense.
I cannot forecast future plantings, but between 1984 and 1990, some 16,000 miles of hedgerow were planted in the United Kingdom.
Its seeds have to be planted immediately, for unlike most plants, they cannot withstand being stored for future planting.
For future plantings, she said, you may wish to take advantage of new developments in chrysanthemums and buy plants that have been bred to start blooming in spring.
This is a problem because they remain in the soil and affect future plantings.
Draw a plan on each page to show where the colour is each month, and add comments about future planting.
The market success of Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and lately Pinot noir mean that these varietals will dominate future planting.
A few special ones should be considered for future planting.