Working in a bar frequented by drunken journalists, she gathered material for her future novels.
It was felt that the omitted story really needed greater length for proper development-which it will receive in a future novel.
And some, whatever else they may do, are designed to tantalize with hints of things to come in future novels.
Ultimately, the novel keeps the major plot lines active for future novels, and introduces several more.
This would be Collins first foray into the world of the Mafia, a subject matter which she later chronicled in her future novels.
The theme of governmental corruption is one Clive will continue to use in future novels.
It will be interesting to see what she can do - without Robert Browning's help - with contemporary Canadians in a future novel.
The rights had already been purchased for any future novels.
Yūshi Hōgen became the basic model for future novels.