On 17 April 1730, he sent the Hessian army to Hanau, to ensure his future inheritance.
His wife is dead and his son and daughter-in-law, who live with him, seem to care mainly about Watanabe's pension and their future inheritance.
Consequently Bernard, alarmed by the fact that his future inheritance at stake, rose up against Louis.
Under pressure by Austria, Charles Louis agreed on some territorial adjustments that were detrimental to his future inheritance in Parma.
The letter dealt in large part on how her children were squandering their future inheritance.
From 1970, Scarsdale took charge of his future inheritance as estate manager.
Kerr was receptive to her flirtatious smiles, and tempted by her dowry and future inheritance.
Those in company with Jesus, therefore, occupied seats which represented the possibility of a future inheritance as well as the privilege of a present association.
An estate of at least equal value, moreover, was assured as his future inheritance.
Three princes arrive, seeking her hand in marriage (and the future inheritance of the city).