It was time to end this futile conversation.
He was yelling a futile conversation at her above the din.
It is typical of Sir Edmund's somewhat elliptical approach to things that we went through this rather futile conversation before he told me anything else.
I embarked on another of those silly, futile conversations I sometimes conducted with myself: Your fault, Legata.
I sighed and was saved from future futile conversation by the appearance of a sergeant.
He also described three futile conversations he had with the hostage-takers in an effort to save the children.
Human congress was limited to the futile conversation between tramps, the idle speculations of the half-interred or the fragmented memories echoing inside a single staring skull.
Now I suddenly find myself plunged in this wilderness, condemned to see the same stupid people from morning till night and listen to their futile conversation.
I suppose we can't all feel the sanctity of really futile conversation.
Frankly, if you really do find something sacred about futile conversation, I should say that you were on the track of that all right.