Lifetime was a pioneering band of the fusion movement, combining rock, R&B, and jazz.
Off the Menu Now, Indian Fusion The Pan-Asian fusion movement began spreading to India last year when Chutney Mary opened in the Flatiron District.
As the vehicle for a fusion movement, the party is something of a rusted jalopy, one that can be driven, they say, only by an expert mechanic.
They are part of the new Latin American fusion movement and emerged in the early naughties along with groups like Chico Trujillo and La Floripondio.
Shortly afterward, he became a member of his fellow countryman Gato Barbieri's group, and got involved in the mid-1970's fusion movement, which mixed jazz and rock.
He was a master of the ethnic appeal, though his "fusion" movement represented the flowering of 50 years of blueblood municipal reform efforts.
He became one of the major proponents of the fusion movement in the late 1970s with his writing and performances with Lenny White and Billy Cobham.
Mr. McLaughlin gave a rock edge to Mr. Davis's records from the early 70's, and helped, along with Mr. Davis, to start the fusion movement.
In 1847-1848, Chase was a strong supporter of the fusion movement which resulted in the formation of the Free Soil Party.
In almost every northern state, organizers attempted to have a Republican Party or an anti-Nebraska fusion movement on ballots in 1854.