Otherwise the streets will be overwhelmed by the tribes of the unschooled, whose numbers and fury increase each day.
Val's fury increased as he climbed to his feet, but all the giant did was chuckle at the sight.
But during the night the fury of the wind increased to such a degree that it thrilled us with a vague terror.
He'd do it, too, I thought, my fury increasing.
Rees held his tongue, but the other's fury increased regardless.
Drizzt's fury increased, and the female continued to fall back, stumbling now in the darkness, suddenly afraid.
Then he took up Beldaran, and my fury also increased a hundredfold.
Discontent and fury over the three-man leadership team increased.
As fury and recklessness increased, the number falling into the sea became very great.
The longer Jenny was silent, the more Andrea's fury increased.