In a statement released by his office, he said he had "urged ministers not to adopt an unnecessary law that could further unravel the delicate threads bridging the divide between Jews and Arabs."
Possible Unraveling There is the possibility that the project will further unravel if some of its major tenants decide to abandon it now that its owner is insolvent.
In Haiti, American intervention has hardly produced the foundations for a democracy in a country that may yet unravel further.
Exploding sectarian violence has undermined the mosque's traditional role as a gathering place, further unraveling the country's communal fabric.
It wasn't necessary for him to unravel further the secret of Grebb's mysterious death.
"Which will probably cause more unrest among soccer fans," Plummer said, "which will help the situation unravel further."
Bibi's composure further unravels when her brother - who employs her in a business importing high-priced boutique items from Sumatra - fires her for losing $200,000 in a transaction.
Pacemen will need to unravel further the mysteries of reverse swing for the abrasive pitches abroad.
Another mistake such as the comment that he likes firing people could further unravel the thread that he unpicked with his blunder on Monday.
Without such progress, the peace process is in danger of unravelling further.