The development lessens further, and the route begins to head through the nearby hills.
Additionally, to further lessen the guilt, fishermen do not actually kill the fish; instead they wait for it to die naturally when taken out of the water.
This limits the heart's ability to fill with blood, which can also further lessen cardiac output.
Visibility lessened further until he was groping from tree to tree.
A stiff breeze coming in from center field across the Charles River further lessened any chances of seeing home runs fly out of the park.
It would further lessen the quality of the interaction between the care-giver and the infants.
Private schools, however, are only to be found in the urban areas, which further lessens the chances of secondary schooling for rural children.
The poor weather during the night further lessened the morale of the soldiers.
Still slowing, Ivan guided the scout away a little more, and the touch lessened further.
That would be in many ways desirable, but surely would further lessen a President's control of intelligence operations and perhaps extend Congressional influence.