The outburst by the older surgeon now, and there would be a confrontation that could further jeopardize the life of Beverly Vitale.
But gradually he realized that the Bishop would not further jeopardize his dignity, or run the risk of making himself ridiculous.
I hope you're not suggesting that I take any measures to awaken her that might further jeopardize her life?
Also, with the animals destroying most vegetation, and especially the island's cloud forest, the water table dropped, further jeopardizing the remaining two main subpopulations.
Falling below that would further jeopardize the already weak credit ratings of Japanese banks and raise their costs.
More delay over the budget, the Governor warns, could further jeopardize the state's credit rating, which has already sunk to its lowest level in history.
Escape was also difficult or impossible, and those who attempted were subjected to "party-orchestrated public struggle," which further jeopardized their survival.
We fear that raising objections might further jeopardize our child by labeling him - and us - as troublemakers.
Many officials worried that personal animosities between fire companies or unclear mutual aid responsibilities would further jeopardize Westchester residents' welfare.
He warns that demanding that Detroit right now invest in a whole new technology could further jeopardize the position of the American auto industry.