Through the 1980s, other uses expanded and the world's nations became increasingly concerned that these chemicals would further harm the ozone layer.
The hijacking could further harm Turkey's tense relations with Russia, its giant neighbor to the north.
Moreover, the process of oil extraction has resulted in significant pollution, which further harms the agricultural sector.
Collective punishment, even including measures that actually further harm the prospect of achieving targets, is applied as a measure to 'teach' the workforce.
Other experts cautioned that without requirements that counseling and education be made available to parents, the new laws might further harm troubled families.
More broadly, these accidents further harm the United States' already shaky image abroad.
Me she can harm no further; you she will ruin, if she can.
This profound discord further harmed the reputation of the pilgrimage.
A squeeze on promised credit would further harm an economy that already only limps along.
In the medium term, this might further harm economic growth.