Here these stellated figures often reside within another figure which further distorts the viewing angle and conformation of the polyhedrons and providing a multifaceted perspective artwork.
Likewise, as an outgrowth of his understanding of grace, Augustine developed a theory of predestination that further distorted the Orthodox understanding of free will.
Legal, tax, and cultural issues may further distort bankruptcy figures, especially when comparing on an international basis.
Moreover, the speed of the tape recording was manipulated, further distorting the sounds being recorded.
It is well known that the authorities are aware of only a small proportion of crimes, and that administrative processing of those crimes further distorts official statistics.
Before my eyes it writhed, not as if to free its roots from the earth but rather to further distort and torment the branches.
This "transactions bias" can further distort the country allocation of foreign holdings of securities when estimates of holdings are made for months not covered by the periodic surveys.
The removal of CVA in league tables, will further distort which schools are really doing well.
They join the walkers, exposing what looked like empty grates or dark barred windows that further distort one's perception of space and distance.
Modern texts further distort the Quran by quoting it besides texts such as the Protocols of Zion.