In 1857 a station and railroad further connected the village with the rest of the country.
Sack becomes sick, which lets John further connect with Claire, and they agree to go for a walk together following dinner.
On the other side (south east) the island is connected with a short bridge to another small island, Skansholmen, which connects further to the mainland.
He further connects it with his criminal nemesis, Red Scharlach.
To further connect with the young audience, William's dirty blond hair is stylishly tangled in dreadlocks.
Ray and Sana then meet by chance in a bookstore, and they connect further.
It connects with the A531 which further connects with the A500 to the north.
The bay windows and porches on the house further connect the house to the landscape.
We then help build communities around the individual athletes, further connecting them to opportunities not available through traditional or mainstream channels.
He further connects the two births by noting that Mary and Elizabeth are cousins.