The DV format further compressed the digital data at 5:1, meaning compromising the picture information by 80% to get 25 million bits per second onto a small tape moving at a slow speed.
In the past, aircraft engines would run turbochargers in stages, where the first stage compressor would feed the inlet of the second stage compressor that would further compress the air before it enters the engine.
That would mean that any sailors who survived the initial explosion had to endure conditions including icy water that further compressed any breathable air in the submarine to what he called lethal "high-pressure pockets."
The first-stage impellor compressed the air-fuel mixture and this was then fed to the smaller second-stage impellor which further compressed the mixture.
Thirdly and finally, the Photo CD system employs a form of quantization and Huffman coding to further compress this residual data.
This was then fed to the smaller second-stage impellor which further compressed the mixture.
The fly weights begin to pull outward due to centrifugal force which further compresses the speeder spring.
Others further compress already simplified works, including miniature editions of the "For Dummies" how-to books.
Inter frame compression systems can further compress data by examining and eliminating redundancy between frames.
Oser's jaw compressed further.