Mr. Siegel said the new bill would lead to many more appeals, further clogging an already overloaded system.
Three interns managed to further clog his narrow corridors and take up more time than they deserved.
The lane, they argued, might help commuters bound for New York, but would further clog New Jersey roads, including those leading to the waterfront.
Some people say that within five years, rail lines will reach capacity and trucks will further clog the region's freeways.
Will the new rule discourage settlements, further clogging the courts?
That could further clog the judicial system, which depends upon such agreements in the vast majority of cases.
But many express fear that extra traffic to the high rise - despite a planned 70-place parking garage - would further clog an already congested Montague Street.
Also, they say, delivery trucks and garbage trucks serving the store would further clog local streets.
The problem, according to Chief Blaich, is that closing Reade will further clog nearby streets and actually slow the Fire Department's response time in an emergency.
This in turn, they said, would further clog the courts' already jammed dockets.