In his congratulations, he pointed out that he was convinced that the American nation got a president who would further affirm the basic social values of democracy, freedom, human rights and equality.
In 2000, the Church's General Assembly further affirmed that "human sexual orientations, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are a gift from God and part of the marvelous diversity of creation."
It further affirms "the right of security for all states in the region" - which would include Israel.
The admonitum further affirmed that the Church's prohibition issued under Pope Leo XIII remained binding.
Psychologists Timothy Judge and Beth Livingston further affirmed these findings in their 2008 study.
He further affirmed that Final Destination fans will see Clear as the heroic franchise veteran.
The Court further affirmed that scandalizing contempt was a public injury and not a private tort.
Also in 2, Wang Mang decided to have his daughter married to Emperor Ping to further affirm his position.
The Supreme Court further affirmed the president's constitutional power to withdraw public land from use in .
The minister further affirmed to have been victim of an "earthquake weapon" American threat.