The most famous instance came in 1985, when the Coca-Cola Company quickly brought back the original Coca-Cola soft drink after a furious backlash to its replacement by "new" Coke.
Considering the furious backlash against tax increases in New Jersey and Connecticut, raising taxes is not politically realistic.
And it provoked a furious backlash from Labour and union leaders.
President Zedillo tried to force him to resign but Mr. Madrazo, who has always denied the charges, orchestrated a furious public backlash against the president, who was forced to back down.
But the move brought a furious backlash from the families he was publicly vowing to help.
These projects displaced thousands, closed hundreds of businesses, and provoked a furious backlash, which in turn ensured the survival of many historic neighborhoods.
This, along with similar comments in broadsheet newspapers of the time, provoked a furious backlash from other pupils of Chenevix-Trench, who set about proving Peel's "one in ten" rule.
His comments were followed up here in an FT story leading to a furious backlash from the unions.
It set off a furious backlash by police officers and many whites.
"This attack on the people who make this country tick will spark a furious backlash and will drive millions on to the streets in French-style protests to stop the great pensions robbery."