Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
We're a couple of swell guys not to get funny with.
And I don't want 'em getting funny with me, either.
It was a joke that got funnier with each beer, but the name stuck.
Anybody gets funny with her, she tells Jamal about it and he breaks the guy's legs.
"Don't get funny with me lad," he said without a trace of humour.
I guess that will teach Peter Fenestra not to get funny with me!
Don't got funny with me any more!
Sometimes things get funny with my dad.
It seemed to get funnier with the retelling.
Somebody got funny with my car.
A flubbed line becomes a running gag throughout the show, supposedly getting funnier with each repetition.
He get funny with you, Myra?
If any guy gets funny with that moll of mine, it's curtains for that guy!
Don't get funny with me, boy!
('I get funny with the smell of them,' Morag observed, pointing to the onions.)
They they get funny with
Don't Get Funny With My Money" - 4:34 "
It's my guess," Nippy chirped, "that some Heinie is just getting funny with you, G-8.
Encouraged by Levinson to improvise, the two actors expanded the dialogue as if it were a comedy routine; it got funnier with each take.
It didn't take long for Knowles, who called it "Discrim-FRO-nation" to get funny with it.
Honest, I'm not trying to get funny with little Lulu," Elmer grumbled, panting as he pumped the hand-car, grotesque in cap and muffler. "
Dont you get funny with me, Im warning you, she said, but she scooted across the seat and into the circle of his arm with no hesitation.
2013 TV Upfronts: USA gets funny with "Sirens," "Playing House"
171 He adjusted it with both hands, looked across the table at Michael as if wondering if he'd noticed either the belch or the adventurous wig, and then said, "I myself would kill anyone got funny with her."