Dispensing with her theatrical signature numbers, she weaves 16 songs new to her repertory into a funny running monologue of her adventures in and out of show business.
Then, in a funny yet prideful monologue, she recites chapter and verse on all the costly surgery and silicone that made her what she now appears to be.
During my visit last month, the Floyd show consisted mostly of vivid, darkly funny monologues, most of which spring from his hourly epiphanies.
He's a comic as well, throwing in funny monologues and wild introductions between his tunes.
If anything, this funny monologue is more focused, more relaxed; as a result it's a more charming work, one that feels almost effortless in its humor and clarity.
Leave room for a funny monologue why don't you Killiian Fox (funny name!)
And Ms. Bruce has a sharply funny and prophetic monologue as the woman who consumes news only to become it.
But even the funniest monologues would benefit from judicious editing.
If anything, this funny monologue is more focused, more relaxed, and as a result it feels almost effortless in its humor and clarity (2:00).
Nearly all the funny monologues got laughs in the right places, too.