It's such a brilliantly written show and, as the presenter, you're guaranteed the funniest gags.
There are a few funny gags and many more bad ones, including a couple about pedophilia.
Just a lot of people who thought it was a funny gag.
Giving a reason for the riot and then solving it to stop it is the funniest gag I think I've ever seen.
She knows the funniest gags are sometimes just statements of the obvious, what people can see.
More sophisticated audiences are likely never to see the film's occasionally funny gags at the expense of movies the action fans have never heard of.
Meanwhile, of course, the Great Man was getting copies each time he did it, just to keep the funny funny gag alive.
She had thought it a very funny gag, even though the tape she had fashioned for herself to view hadn't worked out properly.
The movie has two mildly funny visual gags.
One of those plastic flowers that squirted water as a funny gag.