Just another one of those funny coincidences that dot your career, Willie, hey?
If you don't agree, there are some awfully funny coincidences to explain away.
In my book that's a pretty funny coincidence.
It struck him as a funny coincidence that Spinner's story was so similar to their present dilemma.
And it is just a funny coincidence that several people in pro football have it.
A bunch of people got one, so I'm guessing it's just a funny coincidence.
Well, having a Mac turn itself on at just the right moment sure seems to me like a funny coincidence.
People at the theater thought it was a funny coincidence, not to mention a great icebreaker.
"Pretty nearly any stroke of fate can be made to look like a funny coincidence if you try hard enough and wait long enough."
The fact that we're talking about the Arctic is a funny coincidence.