From that point on he began creating funky music that focused on higher consciousness and light.
But China White is more of a den with lots of large cushions and cool funky music.
And as a final note, let's get to the funky music mentioned in the title.
If I'd had a kazoo in my purse, we could have made some funky music together.
Loftlike, funky music and old French film posters on the walls.
Play that funky music, white boy It looks a lot like any other club.
It has a big terrace with 'funky' music.
All they can do is be at the radio station on time, and play their funky music whenever placed on a stage.
The sisters formed their first music group called Elefunky, which specialized in funky music.
Instead of "white boy," the words, "yeah, funky music" were substituted.