There may be a fungal origin of the ergoline alkaloids also in the Convolvulaceae.
Dicoumarol is a natural chemical substance of combined plant and fungal origin.
Because many microbes eventually developed resistance to its antibiotic properties, it has been more or less superseded by other drugs of fungal origin, such as cephalosporin.
They are swollen masses of spores with an apical opening, surrounded by a sac-like membrane comprising tissue of both host and fungal origin.
Newer chemical evidence agrees better with a fungal origin for Reduviasporonites, diluting these critiques.
Infections can be caused by both bacterial and fungal origin, as well as small organisms such as ear mites.
He could as easily have invented the entire thing, including the fungal origins of the manta.
The term diaper candidiasis is used when a fungal origin is identified.
In 1933, Knapp was the first to suggest the fungal origin of the species and described it as a lichen with endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.
It is contained in some antibiotics of fungal origin, e.g. alamethicin and some lantibiotics.