I hope he'll pick people who will fundamentally rethink intelligence.
I'm not sure that's a position the museum shouldn't fundamentally rethink.
The fastest computers are being created today by fundamentally rethinking both computer hardware and software.
Until New York begins to fundamentally rethink some of the ways it manages waste, the money devoted to sanitation will continue to force cuts in other city services.
Ariely explains, "My goal, by the end of this book, is to help you fundamentally rethink what makes you and the people around you tick.
"We have to fundamentally rethink economics," he said, suggesting that a new model was needed to hold businesses to account for their impact on the planet.
David Winston, a Republican pollster, has found that voters are fundamentally rethinking their values.
Business process reengineering (BPR) began as a private sector technique to help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work.
We need to fundamentally rethink common agricultural policy, because piecemeal interventions are merely cosmetic.
Officials who oversee the work of the system's 3,000 school safety officers, for instance, are fundamentally rethinking their mission.