To label the scale poorest to richest fundamentally misunderstands the index.
You fundamentally misunderstand the issue.
Yet they fed on an analysis of statistical figures that fundamentally misunderstood political and economic reality in China today.
By suggesting fairness should play a role, the resolution fundamentally misunderstands science.
You fundamentally misunderstand the hierarchy of the army, Sergeant.
Because the majority fundamentally misunderstands the notion of "reserved" powers, I start with some first principles.
Yet it feeds on an analysis, as faulty then as it is now, that fundamentally misunderstands some basic political and economic realities in China today.
That is to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the educated elite, of which Lemann seems to be a paragon.
Anyone who imagines European integration to be outside and beyond the will of the people, is guilty of fundamentally misunderstanding the European question.
Lenski explained that the relevant data was in the paper and that Schlafly fundamentally misunderstood it.