Husain became an Islamist at the age of sixteen, but rejected fundamentalist teaching and returned to normal life and his family.
Marwa, a Cameroonian preacher, was deported from Nigeria in 1960 because of his fundamentalist teachings.
Artyom eventually tires of the fundamentalist teachings about God, escapes the station and continues his journey.
And it should pause the hands of those well-intentioned parents using corporal punishment as part of the fundamentalist teachings at the House of Prayer in Atlanta.
Specific criticisms covered authoritarian church governance, lack of financial accountability, resistance to free thought, strict fundamentalist teachings and lack of compassion.
Programming included traditional Christian music, along with conservative fundamentalist teaching and preaching.
The fundamentalist teachings of Islam are not compatible with Western values and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
They also contended that the church's fundamentalist teachings encouraged the suicide by giving Kenneth intense guilt.
The local court judges are sometimes influenced by fundamentalist teaching and hand down harsh sentences.
His foreign policy, says Bocker, was based on American security interests and not on any fundamentalist teachings.