He'd thought that a woman within this fundamentalist Islamic movement could wield no real power.
The fundamentalist movement arose in the early 20th century as a backlash against modernism, science and the life of the mind.
This fundamentalist movement is a relatively recent phenomenon in the almost 1,400 years of Muslim history.
You want these aliens to contact the religious fundamentalist movements first?
Even now it's still the main Palestinian fundamentalist political movement out there.
The modern Islamic fundamentalist movements have their origins in the late 19th century.
The other is that France has no significant fundamentalist movement.
The web site was famous for its criticisms of the right-wing and fundamentalist movements.
But then a new campaign caught the attention of the nation and eventually brought the whole fundamentalist movement into disrepute.
In the first decades of its publication, it was the leading journal for conservative Christianity and the early fundamentalist movement.