The slow unveiling of these fundamental tones over the course of a work gives visceral rather than intellectual pleasure.
The complex splash of strong, high overtones and metallic ringing sounds from a cymbal almost completely hide its fundamental tone.
Waterhouse experiments by singing the harmonics of this low fundamental tone: octave, fifth, fourth, major third, and so on.
This lengthens the vibrating air column thus lowering the fundamental tone and associated harmonic series produced by the instrument.
The thinner the shell, the lower the fundamental tone.
This assertion rests on the fact that undertones do not sound simultaneously with its fundamental tone as the overtone series does.
Spurious tones are any tones other than a fundamental tone or its harmonics.
This allows for the optimum resonance and fundamental tone of the drum to project.
However, enough of the harmonic series will be present for the missing fundamental to create the impression of hearing the fundamental tone.
In acoustics, e.g., the fundamental tone and the overtones together form an example of a Fourier series.